I hate walking into a gallery that is quiet, each footstep being heard.  My art along with so many other artist are worked on with noise noise noise all around them. Messy studios, pot ashes, wine glasses, music playing. discussion within our selves on design problems. So many highs and lows of creating. 

There is a zone that I go into when I am working on a photograph or a painting.....interruptions can't happen.....it is hard to go back to where you were, deep in your mind, when you have to leave your creation.

Faces faces faces
I see you, I blow you up on my computer so I can see every detail of your skin, your clothes your jewelry you tattoos your birth marks....I see you magnified...but only skin deep. Sometimes I see expressions on your faces that I have felt in myself. 
I am a street photographer....you are rushing by, I am always rushing and I snap a quick photo. On my computer I look at you and love every detail I can see. I become intimate with your face but not with your consciousness. 


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